You may commonly hear mental health and physical health as separate things in the news, yet here in LiveWell we teach a holistic and interconnected definition of health and well-being. A great start when thinking about your health and well-being is to reflect on what your needs are for each of these areas. What does balance in each circle mean to you specifically? Each circle overlaps because we know from science and human history that they influence each other in profound ways.

“The ongoing development and practice of intimacy, communication, and community with the people in our lives to foster belonging and connection.”
“Commitment to learn new concepts, improve skills and strengths, and seek growth in pursuit of life-long self-understanding and growth.”
“Learning to save, manage, and utilize our money, resources, and time in ways that support our larger goals, relational commitments, and personal values and health.”
“Engaging in behaviors and choices that help nurture our body and strengthen healthy relationships with food, movement, medicine, and rest.”
“Building the ability to reflect, identify, and effectively manage and communicate our thoughts and feelings in a manner that strengthens our ability to cope with the challenges life brings.”
“Engaging in behaviors that support balanced effort and personal fulfillment from our work commitments and contributions, whether paid or unpaid, while still maintaining balance in our lives and well-being.”
“The development and practice of beliefs and behaviors that nurture our sense of meaning, morality, ethics, and personal values.”
“Recognizing and being responsible for the ways in which we have influence and impact on the environment and communities that surround us.”