Husky Gratitude Challenge

Your Peer Health Educators bring the Husky Gratitude Challenge to you for the 5th year! We’ll table throughout the year so join us to pause, write postcards to people you appreciate, and soak up the warm, positive feels that are fostered by expressing gratitude.

Watch our Instagram throughout the year to see the upcoming locations for this beloved event of gratitude postcards from your UW LiveWell Peer Health Educators.

Why Gratitude Postcards?

Gratitude is an important emotional and mental health practice! Regularly taking the time to slow down, reflect on what we are grateful for, and express that gratitude strengthens and nurtures our emotional and mental well-being, while helping us be more resilient in the face of stress and suffering. Rituals, traditions, and practices of expressing gratitude and thanks can be seen in almost all cultures, religious and spiritual traditions, as well as many medicinal and healing traditions. Research has proven the positive impact practicing gratitude has on mental and physical illness and suffering.

How does it work?

Every year your campus Peer Health Educators design new postcards for you to use in expressing gratitude to those in your life. We physically mail your note of gratitude on the postcard of your choice anywhere in the world for FREE.

In our current excessively virtual world, letters offer a much needed break from screens and are a special way to reconnect with the people you care about.


If you’d like to request a LiveWell Gratitude Postcard Tabling at your event or fair, please submit your request here.

2022-2023 designs

Past Gratitude Postcards:

Additional Readings on the benefits of Gratitude: