Loneliness is one of the driving factors of emotional distress and negative impacts on our physical and mental health. We know that college students/young adults in particular are struggling with forming fulfilling, trusting relationships both with friends and romantic partners- and yet relationships are one of the most important aspects of our health and well-being. LiveWell Center for Student Advocacy, Training, and Health Promotion has partnered with ASUW SARVA and Greeks Take Action and other UW Professors and entities to bring you a long list of educational and FUN events throughout the month of April focused on building connection, trust, and relationship – with strangers, friends, and lovers! Follow us on instagram @uwlivewell
Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday |
Apr 3, 2023 | Apr 4, 2023 | Apr 5, 2023 | Apr 6, 2023 |
12pm PHEs on Red Square 11 am – 4pm |
3-4pm HUB 211B Talking to Strangers Event |
Apr 10, 2023 | Apr 11, 2023 | Apr 12, 2023 | Apr 13, 2023 |
12-3pm HUB Collage your Relationship Vision Board x SARVA & PHE |
6pm Rainy Dawg Radio Hour: PHEs talk Sex, Lovers & Friends |
1pm ZOOM Contraception Webinar w/ Hall Health Experts |
Apr 17, 2023 | Apr 18, 2023 | Apr 19, 2023 | Apr 20, 2023 |
5:30pm Zoom Online Dating App Safety & Skills Workshop x SARVA |
4:30pm HRC 145 Putting the Men back in Menstruation: Women’s Health for Boyfriends |
2pm TBA Human Sexuality Q&A w/ UW’s Dr. MicNichols |
Apr 24, 2023 | Apr 25, 2023 | Apr 26, 2023 | Apr 27, 2023 |
3:30pm- register Connect to your body: SLF Yoga w/ PHE & Rec Center |
10am Zoom Team Bonding or Breaking: A Professional Panel on Hazing |
2-3:30pm Sexual Citizens Bookclub x GTA & PHE |
4-7pm – register SEX TRIVIA competition w/ free dinner! |
May 1, 2023 | May 2, 2023 | May 3, 2023 | May 4, 2023 |
11-2pm HRC Lobby May the Mental Force Be Strong with You |
DONE: Sex, Lovers, & Friends kick-off Fair
Join UW LiveWell Peer Health Educators, ASUW SARVA, and GTA in HUB 334 for snacks and some self-paced reflection exercises related to intimacy, sexuality, and friendship. We will have relationship wellness gift bags we are giving away, journal prompts, and other interactive activities, handouts, and booklets to help build your skills for successful friendships and relationships!
DONE: Talking to Strangers
Have you been feeling disconnected to others IRL? A combination of technology, screen use, and the post-pandemic world has left many students grappling with loneliness and desiring more social connection. But how do we approach strangers and strike up a conversation without making them uncomfortable? How do we take the first step in getting to know others? Join UW LiveWell’s Peer Health Educators for this interactive workshop about skills for talking to strangers and striking up conversations with new people! Participants will all receive a participant gift! Register before space fills up HERE.
DONE: Collage your Relationship Vision Board with SARVA and PHE
Join SARVA for a fun and creative event where you can collage your own Relationship Vision Board! Our focus is on healthy relationships with others and yourself. We’ll provide all the supplies you need to create an intentional and personalized board that reflects your goals for healthy and meaningful relationships.
Contraception Webinar w/ Hall Health & LiveWell
1-2pm April 12th (Wednesday) – Zoom: Drop-in
Zoom (must use UW NetID): 986 3192 8461
Come learn about all the different types of contraception from expert Niki DeShaw at Hall Health! Niki is in her 31st year working at Hall Health. For 26 years she was a research coordinator for Allergy & Infectious Disease (office at Hall Health) studying Urinary Tract Infections. She is a Medical Assistant and a Certified Pregnancy Options Counselor. She truly loves her job discussing and teaching UW students about contraceptive methods and pregnancy options, as well as helping all the students get the best care at Hall Health!
Online Dating App Safety & Skills Workshop w/ SARVA
5:30-6:30pm April 17th – Zoom: Drop-in
Zoom (must use UW NetID): 951 1192 0312
Come learn some skills to minimize risk when using online dating apps. SARVA will present on red flags, safety tips, and what to look for when looking at dating profiles.
Putting the Men back in Menstruation: Women’s Health for Boyfriends
4:30-5:30 pm April 19 (Wednesday)- HRC 145: Drop-in!
Men rarely get education on the important aspects of women’s health that impact their sexual and romantic relationships. Come to this workshop with Peer Health Educators Harjot & Kevin to learn some important basics and helpful tips/skills for supporting your girlfriends/wives/partners!
Human Sexuality Q&A with UW’s Dr. McNichols
2-3pm April 20th – Intellectual House: Drop-In OR Register (for reminder text/email)
LiveWell’s Peer Health Educators are doing a Q&A with UW’s famous Dr. McNichols!
Nicole K. McNichols Ph.D. is an Associate Teaching Professor in the Department of Psychology at the University of Washington. Nicole’s course, “The Diversity of Human Sexuality,” is the largest and most popular undergraduate course in the university’s history with four thousand enrolled students each year. Nicole is the co-author of the textbook “Human Sexuality In A Diverse Society” and the Ted Talk “Students On Top: A Vision for 21st Century Sex Education.” She also writes frequently for various publications including Psychology Today, The Seattle Times, and The Conversation. Follow her work at www.nicolethesexprofessor.com and on Instagram at @Nicole_TheSexProfessor.
Connect to your body: SLF Yoga
3:30-4:30 PM April 24th (Monday)- Rec Center – Location upon REQUIRED REGISTRATION
LiveWell is partnering with the Rec Center to offer this FREE yoga class (sign up for your slot; only 40 slots!). The basis of all healthy sex, romantic, and platonic relationships is a connection and awareness to ourselves. Come take an hour to connect to your body and yourself with this yoga class!
Team Bonding or Breaking: a Professional Panel on Hazing
10-11am April 25 (Tuesday)- Zoom: Register
Join us for a professional panel on hazing prevention and education. We will have a moderated professional panel featuring academic experts, policy advocates, family members of hazing victims, and athletic personnel to learn more about the scope and impact of hazing as well as the importance of prevention initiatives. The forum will also honor National Crime Victims’ Rights Week, Sexual Assault Awareness Month, and National Child Abuse Prevention Month. Sponsors include Harborview Abuse & Trauma Center, Team Up Washington, Athletes As Leaders, and UW Community Standards & Student Conduct.
Sexual Citizens Bookclub w/ Greeks Take Action
2-3:30pm April 26 (Wednesday): contact GTA at uwgta@uw.edu
This is a partnership with GTA; if you are a greek student interested in reading the book Sexual Citizens and doing this book discussion with GTA Leadership and Peer Health Educators from LiveWell, contact GTA at uwgta@uw.edu
Sex Trivia & FULL dinner with LiveWell’s Peer Health Educators!
4-7pm – April 27th – Denny Room in Oak Hall: Register HERE for guaranteed acess or drop-in!
Sign-up with a team (max 6 people), or as an individual and we can place you with a team! Location is on North Campus and will be released to those registered closer to the event. This will be group trivia on topics related to sex, intimacy, and relationships. There will of course be prizes (TBA), and there is also *free dinner* for attendees. Dinner includes vegetarian and meat options, salad, rolls, and even dessert! Must use UW ID to register and access the form; must be a current student. UW ID will have to be shown at the door to access this students-only event!
May the Mental Force Be Strong with You
11am – 2pm: HRC Lobby
Drop-by and see the Peer Health Educators for a brief pause in your day to practice some gratitude (yes, the newest gratitude postcards!), learn some skills to nurture your mental health, and get some take-home items to better manage stress!