Alcohol & other drugs support services and resources on this page include:
- Alcohol and/or Other Drug (AOD) Consultations
- Self-Assessment Tools
- Peer Health Education Workshops
- Peer Wellness Coaching
- Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act (DFSCA)
- Recovery Support
Alcohol and/or Other Drug (AOD) Consultations
Individual alcohol and/or other drug consultations are for UW Seattle students who wants to learn more and reflect on their individual use of alcohol and/or other substances. Students can learn how college drinking norms or other substance use relates to their own individual behavior. Meetings incorporate information about use patterns, individual drinking cues, harm reduction skills, impacts on academics and athletic performance, strategies for relaxation and stress management, as well as resources for those interested in abstinence.
To make a private, free appointment with the AOD Coordinator, click below:
AOD Coordinator Contact Information:
Mikeil Metcalf,

Self-Assessment Tools
Confidential, online self-assessment offering personalized feedback for UW Seattle Students on their individual alcohol and cannabis use:
- Understand your individual drinking patterns
- Learn about your individual level of tolerance with alcohol
- Explore your unique family history and how this might impact your use
- Develop personalized strategies to help reduce harm
- Learn about other helpful resources on campus
Alcohol eCHECKUP — Cannabis eCHECKUP
Peer Health Education Workshops
The following workshops are facilitated by trained Peer Health Educators and can be requested on the Workshops page.
Naloxone & Fentanyl Test Strip Education Workshop – Learn the following:
- Learn what an opioid is and how to recognize an opioid overdose
- Learn how Naloxone works and how to administer it
- Learn about Fentanyl Test Strips and why they are a harm reduction tool
Alcohol Education Workshop – Learn the following:
- Accurate statistics of use in college students
- How alcohol works in the body, brain, and impacts mood
- Tips for minimizing unintended and negative consequences of alcohol
- How to recognize Alcohol Overdose and what to do
Cannabis & Nicotine Education Workshop – Learn the following:
- Accurate statistics of use in college students vs. perceptions
- The changes in Cannabis & Nicotine products over the years
- How THC and CBD work in the body & what the differences are
- How to minimize risk if choosing to use THC or Nicotine products.
Friends on the Frontline (student leader) Training
An in-depth training for student leaders that are passionate about intervention and safety, as well as those who hold roles at social events that involve substance use. Learn the intricacies and misconceptions about alcohol and drug consumption, sexual health and sexual assault, and bystander intervention, with an emphasis on the skills and interventions necessary to minimize risk, intervene in emergencies, and promote safety and responsibility. This training is for groups less than 20, takes 2 hours, and includes a quiz at the end to ensure comprehension of key learning. To schedule this training, e-mail
Peer Wellness Coaching
If you are looking for some educational information about how cannabis or alcohol work in the body, and skills to minimize risk if choosing to use one of these substances, consider making a 1-1 Peer Wellness Coaching Appointment. PWC appointments are also a useful space for learning how to support a peer who is using a substance, how to learn other effective coping skills for stress rather than utilizing a substance, and/or skills for navigating peer pressures you may be facing related to alcohol or drug use.
Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act (DFSCA)
The Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act (DFSCA) of 1989 – also known as the Drug-Free Schools and Campuses Act – requires institutions of higher education to establish policies that address unlawful possession, use, or distribution of alcohol and illicit drugs for faculty, staff and students. UW faculty, staff and students are also subject to federal and Washington state laws.
The DFSCA requires the establishment of a drug and alcohol prevention program as well as the notification and distribution of the information below. All members of the UW Community are encouraged to review the information on the linked pages. This information is also distributed on an annual basis to faculty, staff and students via mass e-mail by UW PD in the Annual Security, Fire Safety and Drug Free Schools and Communities communication.
The Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act requires that each institution distribute the following to all students and employees annually:
- Standards of conduct that clearly prohibit, at a minimum, the unlawful possession, use, or distribution of illicit drugs and alcohol on school property or as part of any school activities for employees (Policy) or students (Code of Conduct);
- A description of the applicable legal sanctions under federal, state, or local law for the unlawful possession or distribution of illicit drugs and alcohol;
- A description of the health risks associated with the use of illicit drugs and the abuse of alcohol;
- A description of any drug or alcohol counseling, treatment, rehabilitation, and re-entry programs that are available to employees or students;
- A clear statement that the institution will impose disciplinary sanctions on students and employees (consistent with federal, state, or local law), and a description of those sanctions, up to and including expulsion or termination of employment and referral for prosecution, for violations of established standards of conduct.
Recovery Support
Washington Recovery Helpline:
- An anonymous and confidential helpline that provides crisis intervention and referral services
- Operated 24-hours a day by professionally trained volunteers and staff available to provide emotional support and offer local treatment resources for substance abuse
- Call 1.866.789.1511 to speak to a professionally trained volunteer
- Online Information:
Seattle Intergroup of Alcoholics Anonymous (AA):
Visit Seattle AA to find an AA support group meeting or event in the Seattle area.
Additional Support and Resources
Addictions, Drug & Alcohol Institute (ADAI):
ADAI is a multidisciplinary research institute in the UW School of Medicine’s Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Science. They have created a web resource for the general public on Cannabis. You can learn more by following this link.
Washington Inpatient Drug and Alcohol Rehabilitation Centers:
Washington residents struggle with drug and alcohol abuse at similar rates to the rest of the nation. Opioid abuse rates are increasing in Washington, with opioid-related deaths on the rise since 2010.
Inpatient treatment, also called residential rehab, can be effective at helping individuals seek sobriety and learn to manage behaviors that contribute to addiction.
For individualized treatment options, this link provides a list of alcohol and drug rehab centers in Washington.